jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

Drug abuse.

1)The word alcohol comes from the Arabic الكحول al-kukhūl '. The creator of alcohol is the doctor Arnau de Villanova and also is an alchemist, Lavoisier was who unveiled the origin and the way to produce alcohol". The first alcohol was the wine and appears around the 14 century. The first alcohol "wine” his first use is for medic’s staffs And others things like in party’s, etc.

2)When you drink a lot of alcohol depending how much you can resist or if you eat before you drink this drug. In the case that you don’t eat before this are the effects that can produce this drug to your body: First you feel that everything you do it’s good then you start to feel bad and you don’t know what you are doing next you feel very bad and the most probably thing is that you will vomit. Depending on how much alcohol you drink.

3)The consequences of being addicted to alcohol are: Rejected by the people because it loses all conscience of hygiene.Many alcoholics are rejected as youth of centers of study and case of adults most end up in prison and most of these addicts do not produce work then end up wandering unemployed and homeless. "And reduce the life time on 12 to 20 years."

4)This drug affects the mind and the body in this ways. First in the mind the addict don’t can manage stress. Second the addict has problems of violence. Third has change of state. Also in the body has problems in the liver, problems in the brain and minor loss of motor functions.

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